Vacation Bible School | Agency D3

June 16 – 20  |  8:30 am – 12:00 pm  |  Ages 3 through grade 6

Registration forms are available in the Green Ridge Welcome Center.

AgencyD3 VBSEveryone is excited about this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). As detectives, we will be DISCOVERING who Jesus is. We will DECIDE if we believe it and then we will DEFEND what we have learned. We will be CSI agents. The kids will be gathering information from the Bible stories and will analyze the evidence to come up with the conclusion that Jesus really is who he claimed to be. This Bible School will be great for the child who knows little or nothing about Jesus. And it will be fantastic for the child who already knows who Jesus is because they will be taking the faith of their parents and making it their own. They will believe what they believe because they have proven it to be true through their Bible studies.

We Still Need …

  1. We are in need of several more crafts helpers and one person to lead the class for the one and two year-old children belonging to our VBS workers. It is a fun class and the support teachers are in place but they need a leader.
  2. We are in need of large baby food jars with lids or small jars (about the size of baby food jars) with lids for VBS crafts. If you have some you would like to donate, please drop them off in the church office or with Greg.
  3. Do you have white or clear glue sitting around the house? Preschool crafts class needs lots of glue for VBS projects.
  4. Please save your egg cartons as well! We are going to use them as paint trays.
  5. Also, in need of at least 40 shoe boxes. Any condition would be greatly appreciated.

There will be bins in the Green Ridge Welcome Center for collection! All of our crafts are ready to go, we just need assistance with the children. Please contact Michelle Robertson, 391-9360, if you would be willing to help.

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