Our family vacation for this past Summer was planned for the last week in July. We had all of the plans made for our condo and all the meals. We could not wait for this week to get here. We were excited because all of our kids and their families were going to be there for the entire seven days. With the miles between us and our kids, it is not often that we ALL get to be together especially for an entire week.
When the time came to travel, we all met at Pensacola Beach for our week. There were seven adults and six children. All of the children were five and under. Needless to say, it was an exciting week. I would not take anything for the time we were together and although it was sometimes hectic it was a wonderful experience. There was a lot of excitement in the air all week!
There are a lot of things that we get excited about and our family is only one of them. In Psalm 122:1, David talked about how we approach worship. This verse says, “I was glad when they said to me, Let us go into the house of the Lord”. I have often thought, do we get excited about worship or is it just something we do on Sunday? I believe that we should be excited and focused when we approach our time of worship.
There is excitement in the air at Eastern Hills Baptist Church. As we look around, God is busy at work in our church. Numbers are up, Bible Study classes are reaching out, and guests are coming; we can’t just take it for granite. Sunday Bible Study and Worship can’t just slip into the category of things that we do just because we have always done them. We must be excited about what God is doing. We need to be excited enough to want to be here and also to share this worship experience with our friends and neighbors. All of you are the advertising agents for our church. We need to share our church with our neighborhood and our friends.
If you are not able to be in our services, you can view our Sunday morning sermon on our website at www.ehbconline.com and click on the sermon tab. You can also visit our Facebook page at Eastern Hills Baptist Church. Let’s keep the excitement going. See You SUNDAY and invite your friends!