A God-Sized Victory

SunbeamAs I mentioned in worship a couple of weeks ago I have been reading a book by Mark Batterson entitled “All In.” It’s a challenging book rich in spiritual insights.

In chapter 9 of his book, Batterson contrasts the daring nature of Jonathan with that of his father, King Saul, as recorded in I Samuel 14. The Israelites were once again facing their long-time foe, the Philistines who had an army that heavily outnumbered them. Saul was poised under a pomegranate tree meeting with his advisers — waiting. But Jonathan decided to take action. He and his armor bearer left the camp to investigate the situation.

I Samuel 14:6
“Let’s go across to see those pagans,” Jonathan said to his armor bearer. “Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether He has many warriors or only a few!”

Jonathan realized the situation called for action. He understood that the Philistines had a larger army and were an appreciable foe. Jonathan however didn’t have his eyes set on the substantial foe but rather on his colossal, enormous, massive and tremendous God who was able to come to their rescue no matter the circumstance.

When Jonathan stated in verse 6, “Perhaps the Lord will help us,” he wasn’t questioning God’s ability or willingness to come to their aid, but rather he was affirming without God’s help they could not prevail. The situation called for a God-sized solution.

Batterson expresses in his book that most people operate out of the opposite mentality: perhaps the Lord won’t act on our behalf. Batterson states, “They let fear dictate their decisions rather than faith. So they end up under a pomegranate tree on the outskirts of Gibeath.” (I Samuel 14:2).

How many times have we robbed ourselves of a miracle God has in store for us by allowing fear to paralyze us? We have our sights so entrenched on the problem that is all we can see. Our problems consume and disable us. Batterson says it this way:

“Our lack of guts is really a lack of faith. Instead of playing to win, we play not to lose.”

Men and women of faith however would rather make mistakes than miss opportunities. They step out in faith realizing the victory is not theirs but comes from the Lord.

I end with a passage from a college commencement speech given by Batterson which reiterates this point.

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.

Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions.

Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.

Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes. Keep seeking God.

Expand your horizons. Accumulate experiences. Enjoy the journey.

Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution.

Stop repeating the past and start creating the future.

Stop playing it safe and start taking risks.

Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can.

Live like today is the first day and the last day of your life.

Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshiping what’s right with God.

Don’t let fear dictate your decisions. Take a flying leap of faith.

Burn sinful bridges. Blaze new trails.

Quit holding out. Quit holding back.

Go all in with God. Go all out for God.

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