A New Season

My wife, Michelle, and I will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary in just a few weeks.  For seven of those years, we have lived in cities where it snows during the winter.  One of my favorite things about our time in these cities was watching the seasons change during the year.  I love watching the leaves change colors in the fall and watching the trees and plants spring to life after a long, cold winter.  I absolutely abhor cold weather and the winter months. Everything is dead and dark!  In fact, I firmly believe the best part of winter is the end. One truth, however, that remains is that if you wait long enough the current season you are living in will change. I am happy to be back living in Alabama where that wait for the season to change can sometimes take place within the day, am I right??

Our lives are much like this! We do go through different seasons in life. Some are good, some are bad, some are happy, some are sorrowful. This time of the year brings about a season in the lives of teenagers and their families that can be exciting yet overwhelming. As our students begin to think about the changing season of life as high school comes to a close, I would like to encourage us, as a church family, to consider two ways we can be the church to our families with graduating seniors.  

First, we can pray for our students. Praying for our students is one of the most powerful things you can do for them. This Sunday morning during our worship service we will be looking at 1 Peter 1:13-25. This passage is a fantastic passage to be praying for our students during this season of life. Pray that our students will not be conformed to the passions of their former lives. Pray that they conduct their lives with fear. Pray they will remember their life was ransomed by the blood of Jesus. Pray they will have a sincere brotherly love for others.    

Second, you can be intentional about encouraging these students.  In the messenger this week is a list of our seniors.  Pick one out to be intentional about encouraging as this season changes and the fall classes begin. I still remember to this day the families that sent me notes, letters, cash, and food when I moved to college. You will never know how a simple note or gift to a student can change their life.  

Congratulations to the class of 2021.  What a story you will be able to tell of your last year in high school!! Your church family is praying for you to go change the world! Blessings!!  

Pastor Jeff Baxley

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