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A Note From Dale

Lanelle and I are most thankful for the privilege of serving the Lord by serving You,His Church, His People, Eastern Hills Baptist Church. You have been so warm, receptive and friendly. Lanelle is a great judge of churches, and she keeps commenting on your friendliness, I agree. Friendliness is a key indicator of the church health. On a Friendly-Scale of one to ten, you are a ten. That’s great! Keep up the smiles, hugs, and handshakes. An interim pastor has to be a “faster pastor.” An interim pastor comes in going out. Our time is limited – say “Amen.” One way to make a connection is to learn names. I really try, but my mind is feeble, and you are many. Help me out, if we have not yet met, I want to meet you. Take initiative, “Hey Dale, I am _________.” You may have to do that four times before I can remember you. Correct me if I get it wrong. If you have a picture in the church directory it helps, however, the directory is four years old and things have changed.

A few weeks ago on Sunday morning, I shared the “3 Bs” of a church during the interim period: Be prayful, Be faithful and Be patient.

Please join me for our January Bible Study which begins Wednesday evening, January 31 at 6:00 PM. There will be six sessions. You may purchase a study guide for $8.00 in the church office.

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