A Note From Dale Huff

What To Call The New Guy
Persons have asked “What should we call you?”
Well, you can call me “Dale.”
You can call me “L. Dale” – the way I sign my name.
You can call me “Huff” but not “Huffy,” unless I am acting that way.
You can call me “Preacher” or “Rev.”
You can call me “Brother” as Chris Green did last Sunday.
Just don’t call me “Dimples.”

What a privilege it is for Lanelle and me to be with you during this transition time. The longer we are here the more impressed we are with you as a church. Lanelle, who’s a great judge of churchness, keeps talking about your friendliness.
You have so much going on all week long.
You have a super-competent, super-committed staff.
You are a go-the-extra-mile laity.
If a church health checkup were given, you would get a high score-an eight or nine on a ten point scale. There aren’t many, if any, ten pointers.

By comparative size you are a very large church. Of the 13,300 Alabama Baptist churches, you are at the 98th percentile in size, which means that you are larger than 98 percent of those 13,300 churches.
It is important for a church to know its comparative size. If a church underestimates its size, it will then underestimate its capacity for missions and ministry and will not fulfill its responsibility in those areas. By size, by resources (people and finances), you are able to achieve whatever task(s) the Lord calls you to be and do.
A church your size is to be a resourcing church, helping other churches in the association and beyond.
Isaiah presented himself “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8). Eastern Hills presents herself, “Here are we, use us.”

He Who Laffs Lasts
Laughter is a good medicine (Proverbs 17:22).
Every family has one weird medicine. If you don’t know who it is in your family, it’s probably you.
The more you weigh, the harder it is to kidnap you. Stay safe. Eat cake.
The older I get, I realize I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop ticking me off.
Aging sure had slowed me down, but hasn’t shut me up.

Remember The 3 Bs
Be Prayerful. Be Faithful. Be Patient.

The New Guy

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