A Note From Dan

We were challenged this past Sunday to “Be a Barnabas” and to follow the example of Barnabas and be an encourager. I hope that you have found opportunities in your life this week to practice this principle and be an encouragement to others. We look forward to this Sunday and to be anticipating the message that Dr. Huff will bring. We are grateful that God has led him to Eastern Hills during this interim time.

Dr. Huff also challenged us to finish the commitment that we as a church made for International Missions. Our ‘Lottie Moon’ mission offering goal is $32,000 and we have collected $30,253.68. I hope that you have made your contribution to missions. Help us as we complete this mission offering this week and go beyond our goal.

We want to pray for Dr. Rick Marshall as he has accepted an invitation to be the Interim Pastor at Camellia Baptist Church in Prattville. They are truly blessed to have Dr. Marshall lead them during their
interim time.

Church Security is a ‘Hot Topic’ in the day that we live. I never dreamed in 1984 when I was Ordained to the Ministry that we would face issues that the church faces today. We want everyone to be in a safe environment as we attend our services each week. Because of that there are several thing that you will notice in the days ahead. First, we will have Security Officers present each time we meet for services at our church. Second, we are locking our facilities during the time when we are in Worship. The doors will lock after our worship services begin to assure us of a safe environment. We are also in need of a Safety Team to assist on Sunday’s with our security cameras. If you would volunteer one Sunday a quarter to serve with our security officers please call the church office or see me to sign up. This person each week will be responsible for monitoring the security cameras from the security desk. It is our desire that we have a safe place in which to worship. Please be understanding when this may ‘cramp your style’, and remember that it is to help make this a safer place.

Remember, because of inclement weather our Quarterly Business meeting was postponed until Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 6:00 PM.

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