A Note From Dan

Sunday is a day when we remember our Mothers. Whether your Mother is still living or already in Heaven, it is a time to reflect on what an impact they have had on each of us. Leisa said that growing up she thought her Mom loved the chicken neck and the heel of bread best. She later learned that they were not her favorite at all, she sacrificed for her family. I know that many times my mother gave up her needs for the needs of her children. I remember when I was in college and driving a school bus for a part time job she would get up VERY early and cook my breakfast so I could be on my bus route on time. Aren’t Mom’s Special! If your mom is still living, make sure you let her know she is appreciated. Remember, this is Her Day!

During the interim time, it is necessary that our Sunday School classes keep close contact will all those in their classes. This is a time when we need to make sure that our members are connected with our church. It is difficult in a large group such as worship to keep people connected and communicate effectively.  Our classes and class leaders need to pay special attention to attendance patterns of your members.  We want our church family to have a positive experience in our classes each week but we also want them to know when they are missed. Please be in contact with all your class members.

If you would like to play in our MBA Golf Tournament on Thursday, May 24, please call the church office to sign up. The cost is $70.00 per person, if you sign up by Friday, May 18. It begins at 11:00 am with registration and lunch at 11:30 am followed by Tee Time at 12:45 pm. Don’t wait!

Our two new mini busses have arrived. We now have three fifteen passenger mini busses. As we begin the summer they will get plenty of use. To reserve our mini busses for church events call Cindy in the church office.


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