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A Word of Thanks from Pastor Jeff

Thank you so much for the way you have welcomed my family to Eastern Hills! So many of you have helped us move, paint, mowed our lawn, brought food, and offered so many words of encouragement! We are so excited to be here in Montgomery and even more excited for what God is going to do in this city through His church gathered at Eastern Hills Baptist!! 

I want to share with you a truth that has been so real in my life over the past few months as I have made the move to Eastern Hills.  God is faithful and His promises are true! This is no earth-shattering truth.  In fact, this is a very fundamental truth of who God is, but if you are anything like me, I tend to forget the things that God has done for me, especially when life gets hard.  

I was reminded of this truth just this past week in one simple verse. This verse begins the gospel of Matthew and is probably a verse most of us have skimmed over or skipped over as we jump past the account of the genealogy of Jesus.  

Matthew 1:1, “The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (NASB)

Do not miss the punch this verse packs!  Matthew’s gospel is written with the obvious intention of helping the Jewish people understand Jesus is Messiah and that He is a part of God’s covenantal history with His people. For Matthew to begin his account with the genealogy of Jesus and to call Him the son of David and the son of Abraham, is a clear reminder of the promise long ago that One would come to be the Savior of the world- The Messiah.  

In Genesis 12:1-3, God makes a covenant with Abraham that he would become a great nation and that through him all the families of the earth will be blessed. This blessing of all the families comes through Jesus.  In 2 Samuel 7:8-17, God makes a covenant with David that his house and his kingdom shall endure forever and that his throne shall be established forever. Jesus is the one who will sit on the throne forever! In Matthew 1:1, Jesus is called Messiah, the son of David, and the son of Abraham and this should remind us that God is faithful and His promises are true!              

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One of the casualties of aging to which I find myself a victim is the dimming of the eyes.  Ecclesiastes 12 counsels the young person to remember God, their Creator, in their youth before the aging process takes over and various faculties, as listed in verses 1-7, are diminished.

Clear eyesight when we are young may be something we take for granted. However, as we age the realization that our vision is not as sharp as it once was takes hold. “Readers” become standard fare for all intricate tasks. Our once keen laser sharp focus is now blurry and in need of help to restore its youthfulness. That restoration is found through glasses or some sort of rejuvenating surgery. Especially in the early stages of this degenerative eye problem we may be able to fake it and get by, but eventually we must relent and do something to correct the problem.

There is a parallel between physical and spiritual vision. “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” was written in the early 20th century. The hymn writer, Helen Lemmel, was strongly influenced by the artist and later little-known missionary, Lilias Trotter. Miss Trotter started off as an aspiring artist but early on felt a call from God to reach the lost. She began her ministry by rescuing prostitutes from the streets of London. Later she went to Africa, without missionary funding, and served for over forty years. While there she penned a poem that would greatly influence the writing of the hymn “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.”  The poem was entitled “Focused: A Story and Song.” 

The poem centers around focusing one’s attentions fully and completely upon God. She writes that Satan knows that if a person uses all their powers of concentration on being led by God’s Spirit, they will have a great intensity and impact upon those to whom they are called to minister. Lilias Trotter, writing in a more formal use of the English language than we are accustomed, shares some timeless insights which could very easily have been written today but with a different accent. She writes: “Never has it been so easy to live in half a dozen good harmless worlds at once—art, music, social science, games, motoring, the following of some profession, and so on. And between them we run the risk of drifting about, the ‘good’ hiding the ‘best’ even more effectually than it could be hidden downright frivolity with its smothered heartache at its own emptiness.”

The “good” hiding the “best” leads us to emptiness.  Could this be true of us today especially as American Christians? Have we sought the “good” while missing the “best”? The chorus of the hymn, which we will be singing in worship this Sunday, says it best.

                Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face,                                                                                                                                        And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

Keith Pate

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