Amplify Weekend

Have you ever watched the cartoon Scooby-Doo?  As a kid growing up, Scooby-Doo was one of my favorites.  My favorite part was always the culmination of the investigation when the gang had figured out the mystery and unveiled the person behind the mask.  The mask is an aspect of the cartoon and in life that has always intrigued me.  A mask does a good job of hiding an identity- that is until it is taken off.  When you lose the mask, who you really are is revealed.  Whether it is a real mask used for a costume or a symbolic mask we use to put off a false identity, the truth is when the mask comes off, we have to acknowledge who we really are!

In just a few short weeks, our students will take part in AMPLIFY WEEKEND, formerly DNOW.  AMPLIFY WEEKEND is an annual event joining 7th-12th grade students from churches across the River Region for a weekend of worship and discipleship.  I am super excited about this opportunity for our student ministry and for the community of teenagers across the river region and the potential impact this weekend has for the eternity of so many young men and women.      

This year our theme for AMPLIFY is “No Filter”.  The purpose of the theme is to challenge students to find their true identity in Christ, rather than living their life through the filters commonly used to mask who we are and display how we want to be seen.  In today’s culture, the life of a teenager is filled with so much pressure and expectation to be somebody that culture says is successful. The temptation to mask the true identity can be desirable and so easy to pull off.  The reality is that this is not just the case for teenagers, but for all of us.  

However, there is one “mask” that is vital!  When this life comes to an end and we stand before the Judge, may we find ourselves masked in Christ.  Any other mask that we try to hide behind will be taken off and cast aside.  

Will you join with me and pray for our students during AMPLIFY WEEKEND? Pray that the false mask we hide behind will be shown for what they are. Pray that students will be awakened to their real identity in Christ and His church!

Pastor Jeff

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