Children’s Bible Study

children discipleshipThis Sunday night we will begin a four week study for Preschoolers and Children about the different names for God. We will begin at 4:45 and end at 6:00 pm.  Preschoolers will be in room 108 and Children will be in room 112.

Did you know that God is called many different names in the Bible?  Each name introduces us to different aspects of God that we would not have known. Unfortunately our English translations use only Lord and God.  We lose the rich meaning of His great attributes. 

The better we understand God’s names, the more we will be able to worship Him. By learning several of His names we will get to know Him in new and exciting ways. By knowing His names we will better recognize not only how He dealt with people in the Bible, but how He deals with us today. We will learn how He is moving in our lives and circumstances.

I hope you will make it a priority to have your children at church for this amazing time learning God’s name. Get ready to discover God in ways that you’ve never imagined.  Get ready to know and experience Him though His power and amazing names.

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