Children’s Choir: Why It’s Worth Your Investment

Summer is coming to a close and that means it’s time to get back to our regular schedules – at school and here at Eastern Hills. So make plans to join us for our Children’s Choirs and Missions Kick-off, Wednesday, August 12. Registration for the 2015-2016 year will begin at 5:45 p.m. followed by special entertainment at 6:00 p.m. in the reception room. Our regular schedule will start the following week, August 19.

I encourage parents and grandparents to make sure your children are a part of this superb ministry.

Research data continues to affirm: Music is essential in a child’s spiritual, musical and intellectual development. Here are some stats and facts I read recently which show the importance of making sure your child/grandchild are involved in children’s choir.

  1. Choir helps children develop creative problem-solving skills.
  2. Movement activities in choir stimulate the development of the inner ear, which impacts coordination and athletic ability.
  3. Choir offers movement activities that cross the midline, which stimulates communication between the left brain and right brain.
  4. Songs in choir combines text, melody, harmony, rhythm and movement — activating the higher learning centers of the brain.
  5. Choir develops discipline, concentration, cooperation and self-confidence which carry over into other areas of life.
  6. Choir involves reading, anticipating, listening and memorization skills that enhance academic pursuits.
  7. Choir allows children to praise God with body, mind, spirit and voice.
  8. Choir helps the 17 percent of children who need special instruction to discover their singing voice.
  9. Choir helps children learn to use their singing voice properly.
  10. Choir presentations help children conquer fear and take positive risks.
  11. Singing is a gift you can give children that will last their entire lives.
  12. Choir includes rhythmic activities, which helps children develop sequential ordering and organizational skills.
  13. Choir creates a sound track for life—a faith database of spiritual truth.
  14. Choir plants scriptural truth in the brain through rhythm, rhyme and repetition for a lifetime.
  15. Choir makes a significant contribution to a child’s understanding of God and the experience of worship and worship leadership.

Many years ago at our church in St. Augustine, Bethany (our daughter who was three years old at the time) had a best friend who could not match pitch. This friend came to choir faithfully each week. She had a sister one year older who also could not match pitch, nor could her parents. However these two little girls came to children’s choir faithfully each week all through preschool and then children’s choir. Somewhere around the second or third grade the light came on for them and they began to have success with pitch matching. By upper elementary they were singing in small ensembles. The girls continued in the youth choir program where both of them had solos. After we left St. Augustine one of the girls sang the lead in one of their big music drama productions. I can’t help but think if they had not been involved in children’s choir, would they have had such an appreciation for expressing themselves through music or even been able to do so with success? I suspect, knowing that their parents were not singers, they probably would have not. Praise God for faithful directors and leaders who worked with these girls for so many years.

We are blessed at Eastern Hills Baptist Church to have such an excellent group of leaders who faithfully work in our children’s choir ministry each week. Don’t miss out on the blessing. Come join us!


Children’s Music/Missions Kick-off
Wednesday, August 12, 5:45 – 7 p.m.

Registration: 5:45 p.m.
Entertainer: 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. (Location: Reception Room)
Parents are encouraged to join their children in this fun experience!

You can also pre-register at CLC Lobby or Green Ridge Welcome Areas prior to August 12.


Preschool/Children’s Choirs
Wednesday, Aug. 19, 5:45 – 6:25

3 Year Olds, Room 135
Director: Donna Morse

4-5 Year Olds, Room 230
Director: Sandy Harmann

1st Grade, Room 229
Director: Linda Westbrook

Grades 2-3, Room 234
Director: Cheryl Chappell

Grades 4-6, Old Choir Room
Director: Karen Gosselin

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