Easter Eggs

He is not here. He has risen just as He said! Matthew 28:6

I have loved hunting Easter Eggs my whole life. As an adult, I love watching kids run around picking up those sparkling, plastic treasures. I am not sure why hunting eggs is so much fun. There really isn’t much of a reward. Today most families hunt plastic-filled eggs. There is even a special prize for the golden egg, but it wasn’t always like that.

My mom would not buy the fancy Easter Egg dye kits. We used vinegar and food coloring. My brother, sister, and I would dye dozens of eggs so we could hunt all day. The problem with the Easter Bunny was he didn’t do anything with Cleo, our basset hound. Cleo also loved hunting Easter Eggs but for different reasons, and she was good! By the time we got out to hunt the eggs, Cleo had eaten most of them, the shells and all.

The Easter Bunny did a great job on the candy end and the eggs. I guess that’s a bonus if your Dad manages a grocery store.

For a lot of families, Easter ends with a bunny hiding eggs and kids stuffing their mouths full of chocolate, jelly beans, and marshmallow treats.

Easter is about Jesus’ death, burial, and His coming back to life in order that we might receive Eternal Life. Somehow, our Easter celebrations have become two separate events. We go to church and hear about Jesus and the empty tomb, then we come home and turn on the TV and find Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail.

What are we teaching our children about the most important event in history? How can we redeem the day? We really are without any excuse for not teaching our children what Easter is all about. At least 58% of kids believe in the Easter Bunny and that it is a celebration of the Easter Bunny’s birthday. Ask your child if they know what Easter is all about. Younger kids may not know the fine details, but by the first grade, they should know the whole Easter Story and why Jesus died on the cross.

There is a ton of information online about using Easter Eggs to teach the meaning of Easter. Eggs can represent the Trinity. The eggshell, yoke and white of an egg is all still an egg. Chicks hatch from eggs that represent new life. Bunnies represent new life.

Get children’s books that talk about the true meaning of Easter. There are lots out there. My favorite is called “The Best Thing About Easter” by Christine Tangvald. You can read the Easter Story from a children’s or preschool Bible. Put religious-based candy in their baskets such as chocolate crosses, or chocolate coins to represent Judas betraying Jesus. Give a religious gift in their basket, things such as cross jewelry, a Bible, or a fun Christian book. The church provides Right Now Media to every member of our congregation. There are hundreds of programs for children, all faith-based. The church library is full of books about Easter. There are videos and DVD cartoon movies explaining the true meaning of Easter as well.

The Church provides so much information and opportunities for our children to know who Jesus is and His purpose for us. We look forward to seeing everyone this Sunday as we celebrate our Risen Lord.

We will be celebrating outside at the Pines. There will be coloring books and crayons for the kids, candy bags and Resurrection Eggs for those who did not get them on Palm Sunday (we only have about 20 left).

What a day this will be. He is Risen! Hallelujah!

Pastor Greg

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