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God is Enough

Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray.

 Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified.

Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.  

(Mark 6:45-52 NIV).

This incident occurred immediately after the miraculous feeding of the five thousand. The people were ready to crown Jesus as their earthly king. However, that was not why Jesus came, nor what they needed. The people were not in need of another political superhero.  What they needed was one who would save them from their sins, from their own blind rebellion.

Jesus sent the disciples away, to their next mission on the other side of the Sea of Galilee while He went to the mountain to pray, to rejuvenate, to re-focus His attention on His true mission. The disciples encountered a strong wind (storm) while rowing to the other side of the lake. Apparently, this storm had been going on for at least six hours. Jesus sees them in distress from the mountain and walks on the water towards them. The disciples see Him but think He is a ghost and are terrified. In verse 50 Jesus identifies Himself and admonishes them not to be afraid. He then climbs in the boat with them and the storm ceases.

Why does adversity come our way when we are following God’s directive?  In this story Jesus tells the disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side of the lake. While being obedient to His command a storm arises. Their efforts to continue across the lake were thwarted by the incessant winds. They had just experienced the mighty miracle of the feeding of the five thousand and then came a battle with a storm. Why couldn’t they enjoy the triumph of their recent success?

Doug Van Meter, pastor of Brakenhurst Baptist Church in South Africa explains it this way. “They were experiencing a miracle and yet were in danger of being blind to the identity of Jesus. (They at first thought he was a ghost walking on the water.) They were in danger of experiencing the blessing while giving little heed to the Blesser. They were in danger of enjoying the meal while not paying attention to the Master. They were in danger of being caught up with the crowd while never truly knowing Christ.”

Sometimes in our successes we are in danger of losing focus. It takes times of testing and discouragement to point us to the real reason we exist as believers…to exalt Christ.

Van Meter further explains, “…the reason that he allowed us to go through times out at sea away from what were previous blessings; ministry successes, great times of learning, many prayers answered, church growth, relational harmony; etc. By doing so, we are in a position where we can learn that having Christ is enough.”

God is enough! When the storms come, when heartache ensues, when friends betray or abandon us, when circumstances pile in with voluminous speed…God is enough! We need only recognize His presence, accept His plan, and obey His Word!

Follow on Eastern Hills family! God is enough!

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One of the casualties of aging to which I find myself a victim is the dimming of the eyes.  Ecclesiastes 12 counsels the young person to remember God, their Creator, in their youth before the aging process takes over and various faculties, as listed in verses 1-7, are diminished.

Clear eyesight when we are young may be something we take for granted. However, as we age the realization that our vision is not as sharp as it once was takes hold. “Readers” become standard fare for all intricate tasks. Our once keen laser sharp focus is now blurry and in need of help to restore its youthfulness. That restoration is found through glasses or some sort of rejuvenating surgery. Especially in the early stages of this degenerative eye problem we may be able to fake it and get by, but eventually we must relent and do something to correct the problem.

There is a parallel between physical and spiritual vision. “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” was written in the early 20th century. The hymn writer, Helen Lemmel, was strongly influenced by the artist and later little-known missionary, Lilias Trotter. Miss Trotter started off as an aspiring artist but early on felt a call from God to reach the lost. She began her ministry by rescuing prostitutes from the streets of London. Later she went to Africa, without missionary funding, and served for over forty years. While there she penned a poem that would greatly influence the writing of the hymn “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.”  The poem was entitled “Focused: A Story and Song.” 

The poem centers around focusing one’s attentions fully and completely upon God. She writes that Satan knows that if a person uses all their powers of concentration on being led by God’s Spirit, they will have a great intensity and impact upon those to whom they are called to minister. Lilias Trotter, writing in a more formal use of the English language than we are accustomed, shares some timeless insights which could very easily have been written today but with a different accent. She writes: “Never has it been so easy to live in half a dozen good harmless worlds at once—art, music, social science, games, motoring, the following of some profession, and so on. And between them we run the risk of drifting about, the ‘good’ hiding the ‘best’ even more effectually than it could be hidden downright frivolity with its smothered heartache at its own emptiness.”

The “good” hiding the “best” leads us to emptiness.  Could this be true of us today especially as American Christians? Have we sought the “good” while missing the “best”? The chorus of the hymn, which we will be singing in worship this Sunday, says it best.

                Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face,                                                                                                                                        And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

Keith Pate

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God is Enough

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