God is our Refuge

CloudsLast week was the wedding of our daughter, Bethany. The days leading up to the wedding were stressful and filled with preparations. It was an exciting time but a very tiring/anxious time as well. Often the tiredness and tension of preparations were all consuming. Knowing that God was our provider through this time gave peace in an otherwise overwhelming situation. The day of the wedding we saw the fruits of our labor come to fruition. Knowing that God is our refuge was key to our “peace” through all these preparations.

Psalm 46, the Scripture upon which our choir piece is based this week, is a tremendous worshipful response to God’s deliverance. This Psalm inspired Martin Luther to write one of the greatest hymns of the Reformation: A Mighty Fortress is Our God. The hymn speaks of God as our deliverer, the one who with just one word can strike down our “ancient foe.” While in this world we may lose everything for our faith, including our life and our loved ones, ”God’s truth abideth still”.

The Psalm begins with the phrase:

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help us in times of trouble.” (NLT)

We often realize how much God is our refuge in times of crisis. It takes these tough situations to remind us from whence our help and healing comes. Louie Giglio says it best: BROKENESS is the bow through which God launches the arrows of healing.

I certainly don’t relish the hard times. I don’t welcome them with glad anticipation. In fact, I “stress out” at least momentarily UNTIL I stop and remember who is in control of all things. Psalm 46:10-11 reminds us: Be silent, and know that I am God! …The Lord Almighty is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.

The anthem this week is directly based from Psalm 46 which admonishes us that no matter the situation – God is our refuge! No matter how depressing the moral decay of our country; no matter how serious the health situation of a friend or loved one; no matter how distressed we are over our children’s life decisions; no matter the financial stress of a lost job; no matter the uncertainty of our future – GOD is our REFUGE! Look to Him! Be encouraged that He is the victor in all things!

Max Lucado in his book Facing Your Giants states: When we focus on our giants we stumble, when we focus on God our giants tumble. Focus on God today!!

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