
“As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” – John 17:18

One of the great characteristics of the church universal is that we are a sent people. No man, woman, boy, or girl was ever saved by Christ to remain in the comfort of their ordinary life. We have all been sent, set out on a mission, not for career, nor fortune, nor family, but to expand the boundaries of God’s glory throughout all of creation. We are to bear witness of His goodness to the ends of the earth.

Let us all keep these truths in mind as we open the gates for our high school seniors and send them out into the world. As proud as we are of their educational achievements, we, the church, are not sending them out as scholars. As excited as we are for their bright futures in the workplace, we are not sending them out to find their occupations. As hopeful as we are for their journey into adulthood, we are not sending them out simply to become good citizens. Instead, we, the church, are commissioning these young men and women to go out as missionaries for the gospel of Christ.

This Sunday morning at Eastern Hills will be a time to recognize the graduating seniors who have been faithfully trained as Christ’s witnesses. The service is not going to be the traditional recognition of academic achievements (all that is taking place Saturday night). We are holding off on the caps and gowns and the Pomp and Circumstance, not because we don’t love everything these students have done in their schools but because we are the church, the only institution in the world set aside to recognize the work of Jesus Christ in and through these students. We are acknowledging these young men and women, not as high-school graduates, but as redeemed, regenerated, Christ-honoring, God-glorifying, Spirit-filled products of the ministry of Eastern Hills Baptist Church. We are proud of what the Lord has done in these students’ lives at Eastern Hills and we are reiterating their continued call to faithfulness. We pray the Lord would prepare the way for these graduating seniors, that they would be shining examples of His glory everywhere they go. We are commissioning the class of 2019, sending them forth as missionaries for the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Pastor Josh

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