History Changing Prayer

As Christians, prayer is a vital part of our life.  It is as necessary as breath for the Christian.  It really determines your life and relationship with the Lord.  To neglect prayer can result in weakness and defeat. It is of supreme importance that we as Christians must pray. Not as a ritual or a habit, but to have a prayer life that comes from within your heart because of your love for God and because of your hunger and thirst for more of God in your life.

C.H. Spurgeon said, “The heart of prayer is the prayer of the heart.” Prayer does not simply consist of words, gestures, forms, or eloquence, but prayer is when a person comes humbly into the presence of God, knowing that he is not worthy to be in the presence of the Almighty God, the great creator and loving Father in Heaven, but knowing that he has been saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ, and now has the heart to have a relationship and commune with the “One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:” (Isaiah 57:15)

Prayer is the most powerful tool that we have access to, but today we often regard prayer as merely an honored tradition or a formality.  Sincere prayer is so much more.  Scripture is full of examples where Prayer has turned the tides of history.  Hezekiah prayed, and God spared his nation when the Assyrians attacked.  Elijah prayed, and the son of the Shunammite woman was raised from the dead.  Jesus prayed, and Lazarus came forth from the tomb.  Paul Prayed, and new churches were formed.  The early church prayed, and Peter was delivered from prison.

Today, allow God to work in your situation. Trust in the LORD, and not in your strength. God is our rock and our refuge, and He helps us in all situations, whether they be small or difficult situations when we seek His help.

We can change the course of events if we go to our knees in believing prayer.  What will you pray about tonight?  Remember our ‘40 Days of Prayer’ begins on Monday, May 16.

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