Make Plans to Join the Women’s Ministry for New Faces, Familiar Faces Fall Dinner

It is hard to believe that it has been seven years since the Women’s Ministry has had a New Faces, Familiar Faces dinner. While we have continued to have fall dinners, we have used different themes. But, Thursday night, October 23rd at 6:00 pm we will once again host a New Faces, Familiar Faces dinner event.

It will be exciting to meet ladies who have joined our church or who have been visiting our church in the last year! The “new faces” will be introduced so join us and get familiar with these ladies.

Tickets $10.00
Pay at time of Registration

Purchase Tickets

Tickets may be purchased online or at these locations:

Sunday Mornings, Green Ridge Welcome Center
Wednesday Night, Gymnasium

Deadline for Ticket Sales is Sunday, October 19th

Childcare will be provided only when requested to Susan Sessions in the Church Office by Monday, October 20th. No meal will be provided for the children. Fun, Food, Fellowship!

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