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Senior Adults


To provide opportunities for spiritual enrichment; provide social and fellowship activities, make available education information pertinent to senior adults and provide opportunities for ministry.

Senior Adults, persons 60 and over, are the largest age group in our church. They are also the most faithful in attendance, in giving and in service. A quick look around in our worship services, Bible study times and areas of service will prove how vital Senior Adults are to the life and ministry of the church. Some of them are charter members and many others have been members of Eastern Hills for 40 years and more. These are the folks who have invested their lives in the building of Eastern Hills and in addition to their regular tithes and offerings have supported financially every building program from 1956 until the present. We also have a large number of Senior Adults who have joined our fellowship in recent years and who have immersed themselves in all of our programs and activities. They are an incredible blessing to our church and our Senior Adult Ministry. Our Senior Adult Ministry is always open to new members and we will welcome them with open arms.

Senior Activities at EHBC

Sunday School/Bible Study

We have ten Sunday School classes for Senior Adults. These classes are men only, ladies only, couples and singles. All have excellent teachers and provide a place to ‘be at home in a small group’ in a large church. Every church member is enrolled in a Sunday School class.


During the course of the year we will take several one to five day trips. We also take trips to a Braves game in Atlanta and to traveling exhibits in Birmingham, Mobile, Memphis and Atlanta.

B.A.L.L Club

The B.A.L.L. Club (Be Active Live Longer) is the name given to our monthly meetings and special events. These are usually scheduled on the 3rd Thursday of the month and feature a covered dish meal and special program or theme nights. Periodically we will have ‘Movie Night’ and ‘Game Day’. Each fall and spring we go to the Catfish House in Millbrook.

Breakfast Bunch

The last Monday of the month we have “Breakfast Bunch”, 8:00 am at Chappy’s on Carmichael Road. These are enjoyable times for food and fellowship.

Message From Dan Harrison

Help Us Spread the Word of God

As you can see we are a very active multi-generational church. I have the privilege of being the minister for our Senior adults. We have a very active group of seniors and plenty of opportunities for you to be involved in our ministry. Whether it be taking day trips, extended trips, B.A.L.L. (Be active and live longer) Club meetings, game days, opportunities to serve in mission opportunities, choir, or Bible studies we have it at Eastern Hills. We would love for you to be a part of our ministry. If you have any questions about the Senior Adult Ministry at Eastern Hills please get in touch with me by phone at 334-272-0604, or by email at [email protected].


Dan Harrison
Associate Pastor of Administration & Senior Adults Ministry