I Want to Get Involved

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Be sure to check our events calendar for current activities, dates and times.

Trips and Retreats



This is our biggest In-House event of the Year!! Host Homes, great speakers, awesome worship, tons of food, and your very own D-Now t-shirt!! This is a yearly event that is low cost, but high reward for our students. From Friday night to Sunday morning, students will be challenged spiritually and incorporated into a small group family setting.

Complete and Servant Weekend

For the girls this is a yearly event in March that topics on what it means to be a godly young woman. The guys are doing something new this year. We are going to student life’s servanthood weekend. Looking at what it means to be about God’s kingdom and not making our own kingdom! Gonna be good whether you are a girl or guy. You’ll wanna be with us this weekend!

Student Life Camp

Mix together a great camp experience, the country’s best youth communicators, top-notch worship leaders, challenging daily studies, incredible games and Missions.
Now mix it with water, dry ice… and some caffeine… and BOOM!! One of the best camps around!! Your student will never be the same… Guaranteed. This will be our premier Spiritual growth event where we promote our rising 7th graders and establish our leaders for the year. This is a Can’t Miss It opportunity.