Pastor’s Paragraphs – August 29, 2014

Dr. Rick MarshallI am pleased to have the opportunity for some reflection and planning with our staff leadership team on Monday and Tuesday of this week. We look forward to developing stronger ministries and improving communication as we evaluate needs and potential in our church. Much of what we seek to do comes from feedback you give us as well as challenges God has laid on our heart. It is our desire to give our church the best leadership possible for the day and time we live in.

By the time you read this I will have offered a word for the staff to consider and will for all of us in the church. It is this, “We may not be able to change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” It will be the theme of my work with not only our staff, but other areas of leadership in our church in the coming months.

On the other side of our work, your ministers are praying for a strong sense of concern and renewed commitment to the Lord’s work through our church. The role of ministers is to point the way and “equip the saints.” Ministry is all of our jobs. Paul made the pointed contrast when he urged the Romans to be “transformed into Christ” rather than “conformed to the world.” It still remains the great challenge for believers twenty centuries later.

In particular, let me offer a word of challenge to our young families. It is not intended as criticism, but concern. I realize the vulnerability to the world’s pressures on time and energy they face. My prayer is that we will be seen as an ally, not just another entity pulling on the family. My concern is that many are losing out on some of the most important training spiritually they could receive. I urge parents to consider carefully and prayerfully your role in the spiritual development of your children. What is distinctive about Christian families is the place God has in their home and the commitments they make to spiritual training. Surely God is not honored and the world is not changed if Christian families have no different priorities than a lost world.

I wish for each of you a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!


L. Rick Marshall

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