I am just getting over the jet-lag from my trip to Ukraine but the excitement of this trip will be on my mind for a long time. It was great to be a part of he work God is doing in that country. I worked last week with the International Mission Board Missionaries in Kharkov, Ukraine. They are planting a church and we were conducting a camp for the kids in the area where the new church will be planted. In spite of a huge language barrier we had a remarkable camp where we worked with the children teaching conversational English, songs, crafts and recreation. Many connections were made with these children as well as their parents. During the week we had opportunity also to minister through many of the orphanages in the area around Kharkov. Though many of these situations will break your heart because of their living conditions, it was wonderful to see that these homes are teaching these children about the love of God and that Jesus loves them.
I want to say thank you to Eastern Hills for allowing me to have the opportunity to be on Mission to Ukraine. It was a trip that will have lasting value to the area of Kharkov and to the Kingdom of God.