Pastor’s Paragraphs: Join Us for an Appreciation Reception for the Solar Family

I assume you have heard about Ricky Solar’s future plans. Over several months Ricky has made a careful and prayerful decision concerning the next steps in his life. He obviously has gifts of ministry, a love for students and a passionate interest in sports. These seem to have come together perfectly in what he feels called to do. I don’t know anywhere a Christian witness is more needed than in the halls of our schools. He is well prepared to teach history and related subjects to students from a Christian perspective. Furthermore, he can be a positive role model for students on the field of competition.

As you know he will become part of the staff of ACA. Stephanie has been a teacher there for several years, serves as cheerleader sponsor, and is much loved on that campus. I am sure the school administration recognized the quality of this family and the leadership potential they offer to a Christian school campus.

I also want to commend Ricky and Stephanie as parents. I don’t know of any parents more dedicated to their children. They model Christ in their home and have sought to raise their children in the Lord. As Ricky mentioned, we have watched their children grow from a young age when his family came to serve with us. They have matured in every area and are outstanding young people. We are proud of Ricky, Savannah and Reece and will continue to pray for them as they fulfil their calling and grow in Christian service.

Finally, I want to thank Ricky for his dedication to ministry. We will miss him on our staff team. In particular, he has done an outstanding job as a Bible teacher and communicator. He has filled the pulpit almost every time I have been away over a number of years. His preaching has been well appreciated by our church family. We have no doubt he is dedicated to the Lord and will continue to be involved in the Lord’s work. I am confident he will find places to preach and share in churches as well as other spiritual leadership opportunities.

Therefore join me in expressing your appreciation to and praying for the Solar family in this next step in their life. You will want to share in a Reception for their family on Sunday afternoon, June 5. R

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