Pastor’s Paragraph’s: July 14, 2017

I was most pleased with the response Sunday evening to our discipleship study in homes across Montgomery and the surrounding area.  It’s not too late for others to join in a discussion oriented focus on how “ordinary Christians” should live.  That term is used because it has become easy to assume God will send “extra-ordinary Christians” to do the real work of Christianity while others just become church members.  But that isn’t the Biblical picture nor does it work in the practical mission of the church becoming salt and light to the world.  Note sign-up sheets in the CLC lobby Sunday morning where you can find a home near you to attend the study. 

This week we have a number of children and youth at Mix Music Camp at Shocco Springs joining with hundreds of others from across the state.  Along with them you might like to know that Keith and Mark have leadership responsibilities at this camp.  We appreciate their work not only in our church, but in a variety of other opportunities to serve Alabama Baptists.

 I am reminded of the super summer we are having.  It has flown by so quickly.  Carpenter’s for Christ, Vacation Bible School, Youth Choir Tour and Acteen Activators Mission Trip have all happened in the past few weeks.  Our church is so blessed to have so many who will serve so effectively.   I am so proud of each of these ministries and am grateful for the leadership which makes them possible.

 The Lord’s work is alive and well at Eastern Hills.  Don’t take your church for granted or spend your time looking backwards.  There are great opportunities for evangelism and ministry all around us.  There are people who are looking for a church family and will respond if you will invite them.  I am convinced our greatest hindrance is that we are not sensitive enough to the people the Lord puts in our path daily as neighbors, work associates or friends who might come to our church if asked.  Statistics tell us over half of unchurched people surveyed indicated they would consider attending a church if someone they knew invited them.  I urge you to give that a thought this week and pray for people you might know who need the Lord and a church family.

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