Pastor’s Paragraphs: June 16, 2017

How exciting it will be to have two outstanding teams returning home from their mission work.   We welcome our Youth Choir early this week and hearing their Homecoming Concert.   Late this week our Carpenter’s for Christ return from a successful project in Louisiana.  We are most grateful as a church for the commitment, support and prayers which made these ventures for our Lord possible.

On Sunday it will be our joy to celebrate Father’s Day.  Not only is it a national day of recognition, but more importantly, it has special meaning to believers.  In the Bible there were at least three distinct roles of fathers.  First of all, the father was responsible for the spiritual well-being of his family.  Did you know before development of the Priesthood in Israel, the father served like a priest for his family?   In the New Testament, his spiritual role was more clearly defined as the spiritual head of his family, to love his family like Christ loved the church.  This included training his children in the faith as well as setting the example of how a wife and mother is to be treated. Wouldn’t it be revealing if we asked the men of America who are fathers to describe their role?

Second, the father’s responsibility was to see that no one took advantage of any member of his family. Those who were not protected by a father were truly disadvantaged persons. The two most common categories of “fatherless” people were widows and orphans.  It is still true today that the least protected members of our society are those where no father is present or actively standing up for his family.

Third, the father was to provide for the needs of his family.  Unless prohibited by health reasons, he was expected to provide for his family, manage the income of his family and to have something to pass on to his children when he was gone.

I am well aware that many fathers have never given thought to the Biblical role of fatherhood.  And certainly no one can be forced to take on these roles.  But it is worth considering what a different world it would be for the children and families of America if all our fathers sought to be a success in these three areas!

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