Pastor’s Paragraph’s: June 30, 2017

Some of you follow events of our convention more closely than others.  You have heard discussion about a resolution at the recent Southern Baptist Convention which I would like to address briefly.  A messenger proposed a resolution to the convention condemning “alt-right white supremacy groups.”  It was initially rejected because of poor wording and because the convention has spoken on many occasions to reject racism in all forms.  The reason for mentioning this matter is that some have inferred a racial intent within the SBC because of refusing to consider the motion as written.

Let me give you the rest of the story and clarify the matter.  Messengers were concerned that the rejection might be construed as approving white supremacy groups and asked the convention to reconsider the matter.  The Resolutions Committee undertook to rewrite the motion and brought it back the next day to the convention where it passed unanimously with a standing ovation.  Here is just one brief part of the resolution as adopted, Southern Baptists “decry every form of racism, including alt-right white supremacy, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ…”

I am sure all of this seems strange to explain in this article at the local level.  It is because the SBC for many years has worked hard to throw off any evidence of racism.  Numerous resolutions have been passed.  We were blessed with a black President of the convention a few years ago for two terms.  “Approximately twenty percent of the churches in the SBC are non-Anglo and for the last three years more than fifty percent of the new church plants have been predominately non-Anglo.”

I have written these words because the media and some outside our convention who would like to find a way to criticize Southern Baptists as racist.  Just like a local church, the convention has plenty of room to improve on applying the Gospel and extending our Lord’s Kingdom.  However, we believe that all are created equal in the image of God and have sought to remove any forms of racism in our convention.  You will find a copy of the SBC resolution on the bulletin board in the hall outside the office.

Thank you for so many kind responses to my announcement Sunday.  The words I shared are presented inside.

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