Pastor’s Paragraphs – October 10, 2014

Dr. Rick MarshallJoin me in expressing appreciation to those who serve with me on our Ministry Leadership Team. It is a privilege to serve with them throughout the year and to know their heart for the Lord and our church. Please remember to pray for Keith, Ricky, Dan, Greg and Mark as they serve us.

“CONNECTED” is off to an excellent beginning.This six week Sunday Night study draws us together as a church family. We are the“body of Christ” but sometimes need reminders to help us appreciate the unique roles each person is called to fulfill. Again this time we are blessed by an interactive experience and intergenerational work groups. What begins in worship in the Sanctuary concludes with amazing insights, testimonies and unity around the tables. I urge each member to make the rest of the Sunday nights in this study a priority for attendance. Pastors like me, have noted through the years that people will come to something which is controversial but often fail to take advantage of some of the most important issues in building the Lord’s work. Don’t let that be said of you. We’re counting on seeing you this Sunday evening.Also remember that there is child care for preschoolers and that Greg has planned excellent companion materials for school-age children.

In addition to the theology of the church,“CONNECTED” also speaks to the broader issue of “how we do church” in this postmodern culture. It is clear that those who are doing this best are “people driven more than program driven.”

Another way to explain it is to see that the church of the future is not so much event driven, which can feed our own interests and needs more than the lost, but as a church which is relational driven.Another reminder of how connected we areas a congregation is the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. I trust you will want to be in worship Sunday morning as we come to this meaningful observance instituted by our Lord with His disciples.

In this week’s THE MESSENGER, you will find a copy of the proposed Church Budget for 2015. I trust you will note it carefully and will plan to be in the Quarterly Business Meeting next Wednesday evening when it will be presented for discussion.

L. Rick Marshall

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