Pastor’s Paragraphs – October 17, 2014

Dr. Rick MarshallOn Sunday morning the congregation will vote to affirm the 2015 Church Budget. Some have asked the reason for voting on a Sunday morning. Doing so is a reminder that the budget is for the whole church. It represents how we get the work of our church done throughout the year.

Unfortunately there are those who take a church budget for granted or fail to see its importance. A church budget represents a spending plan for ministry, not just a wish list. We live in a day and time when most church activities and ministries are planned months or years in advance. Some assume the budget will take care of itself or that someone else will give sacrificially to meet the ministry needs and operational costs for the church. In most churches, including ours, the majority of members give little or nothing financially to the Lord’s work. If we all followed God’s plan of tithing, the budget would be five times larger or more. Over the last few years we have reduced ministry budgets for each of the areas of our church in an effort to keep spending in line with giving by the end of the year.

This year, perhaps because we had a campaign earlier in the year for the sanctuary lighting, we are more behind than usual in budget gifts. Two things are needed. One, an immediate action is to catch up on our regular budget tithes and offerings. The Stewardship Committee has asked us to let the first Sunday in November be a day we demonstrate what we could do if all were faithful in giving and to catch up where we may be behind for the year. A second need is for everyone to assess his or her stewardship and to reach towards God’s plan for giving.

Further, let me remind you that you may contact Donna Brown, Financial Secretary, in the church office if you need information on your budget gifts to date. Also, please note that “On-Line Giving” is available. Many have begun to use it and find it both convenient and secure. Check the church website or see Dan Harrison if you have questions.

I am so pleased with “Connected” on Sunday evenings. Be sure to join us Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. for this important discipleship opportunity.

L. Rick Marshall

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