Pastor’s Paragraphs: September 1, 2017

Join me in congratulating those who were elected this past Sunday to serve on our Pastor Search Committee.  You should lift them up in prayer each day in view of the challenge before them.  We should also add that the church elected an outstanding group who will follow the Lord’s leading and in His time bring to us the next Pastor/Shepherd for our church family.  Unless a person has served before, few appreciate the demands of this task.  I also want to mention others on the ballot who were not elected to serve.  Any of those could have served well and all were willing to give their energy, time and prayer to the future direction of our church.   We were blessed with wonderful choices.

Over the past few days, all of us have been seeing the images and hearing the voices of people impacted by Hurricane Harvey in Texas.  We have witnessed suffering due to storms through loss of homes and property on a scale few have ever seen.  As I write this article the suffering is continuing to grow.  I am sure many of you would like to help.  The first thing to do is to pray for the people in need and for those assisting and ministering to them.  There are also great financial needs helping the relief efforts.

You can make a financial gift to hurricane relief efforts through our church.   Any gifts we receive will be sent directly to Southern Baptist disaster relief ministries which are active in those areas affected.  Most importantly, you will want to know that 100 percent of donations will be used to help those affected by the hurricane.

Thanks to Keith Pate and the Music Ministry of our church for the excellent service Sunday evening.  It was a meaningful time of worship as we were led by a number of those from our church family in the Sounds of EHBC service.

If you are not away, let me urge you to join us Sunday morning for Bible study and worship.

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