Pastor’s Paragraphs – September 12, 2014

Dr. Rick MarshallOn Sunday we will affirm nine men to serve the next term on our Deacon Council. I am grateful for these men who are committed to the Lord and our church. Deacons are to be considered in the light of the passage in I Timothy where Paul outlines their qualifications. Let me take this opportunity to explain in a little more detail the work of Deacons in the church.

The role of Deacons in Baptist churches varies greatly. Some see the role primarily as management. Others see it as service. We try to find a balance in the two. The Deacons do not seek to override decisions which fall to committees or the church in general. However, they often help in proposing significant decisions the church may need to make. They also take seriously the role of service. I like to think of our Deacons as “Servant Leaders.” Our Deacons are encouraged to lead by example and influence.

In addition to considering the overall ministry needs of the church, let me mention a few matters they are specifically asked to do. Deacons are assigned widow families to follow in regular visits and ministry during their tenure. The Deacons also assist the staff in hospital and crisis visitation. All of them receive a prayer list update daily. Deacons of the week are encouraged to visit those in the hospital that week in addition to the ministers. Our Deacons are asked to help conduct the Homebound Lord’s Supper. Deacons are sometimes tasked in small groups to study or help deal with issues which may come up in the church from time to time. They regularly receive ministry reports on various areas of our work as ministers. They help by consulting with the ministers in vision casting. Deacons help carry visitor boxes to homes of guests and in contacting guests/new members who may be assigned to them.

Our Deacons are not monolithic in spirit. Their meetings are a place of honest discussion and bringing issues to the table. They are not “rubber stamps” for the staff. They are faithful men who care deeply about our church and love the Lord as their Savior. So please remember to pray for our new Deacon team as well as those who continue to serve their term on our Deacon Council.

L. Rick Marshall

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