Pastor’s Paragraphs: September 8, 2017

Some of you were not here Sunday and did not get the Week of Prayer brochure which was in the bulletin.  This coming week is a concentrated time of prayer for this state and various Great Commission Ministries of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions and the Alabama Woman’s Missionary Union.

In addition to the week of prayer information which was in the brochure, the Myers-Mallory Mission Offering will help fund these various ministries.  We are blessed with more than sixty missionaries who are leading our churches in reaching our state for Christ by empowering churches of all sizes in their work, revitalizing others through strategic prayer and planning as well as starting new work.  Additionally, this offering helps support the work of disaster relief coordinated through our state convention.  Hundreds of Alabama Baptists have been trained and others are undergoing training at this time to respond to disasters both in our state as well as in places like Louisiana and Texas.  The work of Woman’s Missionary Union, organizations like GAs and RAs and camps like Shocco Springs and WorldSong Mission Place are encouraged to continue missions training and support through this offering.

I trust that you will share in this offering which meets these and other needs in our own state.  While Alabama is known as one of the most religious of all states, there are still vast populations in our state who have no relationship to Christ.  Alabama Baptists are uniquely blessed with tremendous capability to support our churches and to lead us forward in evangelism and missional living.  Join me in making your offering toward our church goal of $9,000.

Recently the church nominated Deacons for the coming three-year term of service.  We are pleased to report to you that twelve will be elected to serve this coming Sunday morning.   Some of these will be ordained as Deacons in the Installation Service on Sunday evening, September 17.  Please keep all of these men and their families in prayer as they are elected on Sunday morning.

This is a “last call” for anyone for “SERVE DAY” on Saturday morning.  Be at the church by 8 a.m. if you will be willing to serve in one of the two designated ministry opportunities.

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