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Prayer for our Nation on the Eve of the National Elections

PrayingHeavenly Father, blessed is your name and worthy of praise throughout all ages. You are righteous in all you do. Your works are true, your ways are right and your judgments are correct.

What you have said in your Word is true. If your people who are called by your name will humble themselves and pray, and seek your face and turn from their wicked ways, then you will hear from heaven and heal their land. We come to you today appalled at the lengths Satan has gone to in our land, in so many places, through so many people and with so many philosophies which dishonor your name.

Lord we call upon you this morning for the sake of your country and in view of the national election of a President and other leadership just a couple of days away.

We confess our need for your help. Forgive us of horrendous sins as a nation. Forgive us also of those seemingly small sins which we do not often feel the need to confess. Wash America as white as new fallen snow through the blood of Jesus. We desire a peaceful and prosperous land, but we are deeply divided and far from the ideals upon which our country was founded. We have seen the frailties of humanity. It is clear to us now that to achieve a leadership role is no guarantee of righteousness.

We ask you to open the eyes of our people to see through the fog of manipulative commercials and empty promises. Give us the humility to let go of party issues and to see what is right for our nation and your people. Protect us from divisive rhetoric which creates such fear and mistrust. Help us to remember our common humanity across all bounds of race and religion.

Much has been said in these campaigns about undocumented immigrants in this country. We are not their judge. My prayer is that love and grace may be shown to them such that while in this land and whatever their personal turmoil, they might be shown and experience what it means to have genuine faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

Guide us with the pure light of your love and truth. Give us grace to do what is right and to let go of short-term thinking and to focus on long-term good for our nation. Fill us with courage to stand by our convictions.

We pray for this election process that we might show to the world the best of a democratic process, not simply a win-at-all-cost attitude. May whoever is elected President govern with a fresh sense of your hand upon this land and the hope it may offer to the people of our world.

And Lord, we pray somehow you make our nation better, stronger and more united after going through this long and difficult political season.
We pray this in the strong and loving name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Dr. Rick Marshall

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