Re-Gathering of our Sunday School Classes

Easter was a Glorious day! The day that we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. The day that marks the most significant event for all Christians. Without the resurrection there would be no promise of eternal life with Jesus. Our celebration of the resurrection this past Sunday was amazing. What a perfect day. The weather cooperated and being outdoors made us feel comfortable being together again. After 13 months of limited services, mask, and social distancing, this past Sunday we had a re-gathering of our church. It was so good to see our church family again in worship.

This Sunday, April 11th we will have another re-gathering. It will be a re-gathering of our Sunday School classes. After 13 months of ZOOM and telephone conference calls, Sunday we will be back in our classrooms. We will be practicing social distancing and wearing mask, but we will be back in Sunday School. If you feel comfortable in this environment, we hope to see you in your place in your class. Our Sunday School will begin at 9:00 am, and our worship will begin at 10:30. Our service will continue to be ‘streamed’ and many of our classes will continue to zoom or have conference calls. We want to maintain a safe environment for everyone and keep everyone safe. We kindly ask that when you are inside you wear a mask and practice social distancing. Since we will be opening our classes, all doors to our facilities will be open and there will be smiling faces there to greet you as you enter the building. We look forward to having a great day as we Re-Gather for Sunday School and Worship.

Pastor Dan

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