Several years before the pandemic, Eastern Hills started a Serve Teams for the purpose of helping our church serve our neighborhood and our community. They have led us well and have kept us aware of the needs and opportunities in our community to serve. We would have two opportunities a year to come together as a church and minister to the community.

During the peak of the pandemic, when we were not able to meet, we still ministered to the community by beginning a food distribution ministry. Yes, during this time when we were not able to meet, we were still the church. We gave food to 70+ families every time we distributed food in our neighborhood.

We have supplied supplies to many of the support ministries in our community during this difficult time. We have supplied supplies to the following Ministries: The Salvation Army, Mercy House, Love Loud Montgomery (Forest Park Minis-

try Center), Reality and Truth Ministries, River City Church, Friendship Mission. We have also made “Mats for the Home- less” and distributed them to the homeless ministries in our area. We have planted a ministry garden every year for the Love Loud Ministry and planted a neighborhood garden for the people in Forest Hills. In addition to these projects, we have had several construction projects around the community and our youth have had several clean up days in the Forest Hills neighborhood. Our church under the leadership of our SERVE team has been very busy during the past several years.

Our Serve Team has scheduled a Serve Day for July 30, 2022. We will meet at the church at 8:00 am and will conclude at Noon. We will have a team in the following areas:
1. The gardens for the neighborhood garden and the Love Loud Ministry.

  1. We will be filling hygiene bags and snack bags for several ministry centers.
  2. We will be sorting clothes for Mercy House, Love Loud, Reality and Truth, and Friendship Mission.
  3. We will have a team prepping bags for the Mat Ministry.
  4. We will have a team cleaning the entrances of Forest Hills Neighborhood.
  5. We will have a team putting new mulch on the big playground at Eastern Hills Baptist Church.

Please mark this day on your calendar and be a part of our SERVE Day as we will be the hands and feet of Christ as we reach out to our community.

Pastor Dan

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