Start the Church Year Right in Sunday School

Sunday School is more than just a church organization.  It is the door through which people are reached, care ministry is given and the Word is taught.  Some people focus on the size of classes whether big or small. 

Here are some thoughts to ponder about Sunday School classes and their size. 

It should be large enough to provide a sustaining fellowship and mutual communication,  but small enough for each person to know the other.

It should be large enough in its circle of acceptance that any member can find a warm welcome, but small enough so that if one member is absent the class will know and care.

It should be large enough in concern for others so that there is no hesitancy in outreach, but small enough so there is sufficient room for a new person to feel needed.

It should be large enough to allow joyful opportunity for expression and participation in thoughts and activities, but small enough for anyone to share a need and to provide an intimate sense of fellowship.

The Sunday School is most important in any church and certainly that is true in Eastern Hills.   It is vital to the health and future of our church.  It matters not so much about how many are in your class, but rather, whether your class is big in the right things and small in the right things.

Every Sunday School member is urged to be present this Sunday.  Start the church year right by being in your class Sunday.  Show the strength of our church through the Sunday School in this interim time without a Pastor. 

Thank you to Dan Harrison who leads our Education Ministry and to Keith Cantley who is our Sunday School Director.

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