The Importance of Music for Children

Music NotesRecently someone recommended a great article to me about the importance of music in the overall development of children. Most of what is in the article I have read before but it was a great reminder of how important music and the arts are to a child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual development. Research has shown for some time the connectedness of music with increased math and science scores. This article reiterates that point along with many others.

Please check out this article by Jackie Silberg entitled The Importance of Music for Children. It has some great information plus ideas for utilizing music in everyday life. Parents I especially encourage you to read this article.

Children’s Music at EHBC

The preschool and children’s choirs meet each Wednesday night from 5:45 – 6:30 p.m. Each choir not only sings songs we can share in worship, but also experience foundational musical activities including steady beat, playing instruments, music theory and more. All of which are presented in a fun and creative way.

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS MUSICAL | Sunday, December 21 – 6 p.m.
Presently our choirs (3 years – 6th grade) are working on a musical for Sunday, December 21. The drama was written by our own Greg Gosselin and has been published in the Growing in Grace curriculum we use in choir. Congratulations Greg – good job! Mark your calendars now so you can take part in this event.

PARENTS ALSO NOTE when your child’s choir will sing in worship.

Oct 19  |  6pm  |  4th – 6th grade choir

Oct 26  |  6pm  |  2nd- 3rd grade choir

Nov 02 |  6pm  |  Preschool 2 choir

Nov 09 |  6pm  |  Preschool 1 choir

Nov 16 |  6pm  |  First Grade choir

To God be the Glory!



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