Trust in the Lord

More than ever I am reminded of the Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

As we navigate these days dealing with the COVID-19 virus, it is easy for us to get caught up in all the news and information and become afraid. It is hard for me being such a ‘people person’ to keep my ‘social distance,’ but we need to follow instructions that our leaders have given us so we can control the spread of this virus. This is new for us, but we know it is time to be smart and once this is over, we can once again be back to our schedules that we did enjoy.

It is easy for us to fall into the trap of letting our fear control us in times like these. We need to remember that we must be people of Faith and not of fear. We know that God is going to take care of us and lead us through these trying times. Our Faith is stronger than any virus and we need to lean on God and draw closer to him more than ever before. Our prayer life and our Bible Study need to be our focus as we move forward. It is also a time when we must look for creative ways to stay in touch with our church family and friends. Let’s make it a habit of calling those in our Sunday school classes and check on them. When you are calling your friends and classmates and you find out a need, please let us know. We do have limited hours in the church for safety purposes, but you can always reach me on my cell phone (334-538-1136). We are sending out the “LifeLine” prayer list every day by way of email. Our contact information is on that sheet and we want to know when there is a need. Yes, it is hard for us to do ‘Church’ as we are accustomed to, but we are trying to keep you informed and connected with your church. Remember if you have a need, please let us know so we can help.

Many have asked about getting their tithes and offerings to the church when we are not meeting.   There are several ways to continue your tithe. First you can mail your offering. If you have access to a smart phone or computer there is online giving. If you need help with setting up an online gift, please call me and I would be glad to help you with that process. If you have the Church Life App on your phone, it is easy to make your online gift there. Our church is open every morning Monday- Friday from 8:30 until noon and you can drop your offering off at the church. If it is after those hours, the Outreach Prayer box on the Green Ridge Road side of the church, by the drive through, is a drop box and it is LOCKED. You can drop your offering in that box, and it is secure. That box is checked every day. We appreciate your faithfulness to our church. If you are not able to use any of these methods, feel free to call and we will pick up your offering from your house.  

This is a time to be safe, but it is also a time to stay connected with your church. We are here to help, and we want to make sure all of our church family has what they need for these trying times. I heard it said yesterday by one of our local pastors that “This is today but this is not a new normal.”  We want to be safe and we want to look forward to when this is over and we are back to Worshipping together.

Sunday Worship and Wednesday Bible study are available on Facebook at their regular times. (Eastern Hills Baptist Church). They can also be view from our church web site

Pastor Dan

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